
24 Oct 2011

Science Venture Event at UVic

There's a Science Venture Event this week happening at the University of Victoria, in Victoria BC. Innovation Exploration is a two-day event celebrating the winners of the BC / Yukon regional Science Fair.
The event is hosted by the BC Innovation Council. The program will include a morning at UVic for seventy middle and high school students from across the province who are regional winners of science fairs. The program involves a dinner, tour of VIATEC, the Proteomics Lab, and the morning of October 25 on campus. At UVic, the students will attend workshops from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. delivered by faculty and students. The programming for these workshops is arranged by Science Venture, under the guidance of Melisa Yestrau, director.
Most of the members of the Science Venture team at UVic are undergraduate students -- most of them are between 17 and 21 years old. They are learning to write about and present science for kids. The team works to stimulate an excitement for engineering, science and technology in today's youth by providing high-quality, hands-on happenings and science adventures for children from 5 to 18 years old.

The UVic presenters on Tuesday, Oct. 25 are: PhD candidate Veronika Irvine (Computer Science); senior lab instructor Duncan Johannessen (Earth & Ocean Sciences); Karl Makepeace (UVic Proteomics Centre); BSc student Stephanie Robertson (Engineering); PhD candidate Jenni Woodcock (Computer Science) as well as Drs. Stephanie Willerth (Biomedical Engineering) and Peter Wild of IESVic (Engineering).
There's more information about the Science Venture team at . The two images on this post are from the Science Venture website. Science Venture goes a long way to make science-related activities available to young people, particularly girls. Some of the activities of the clubs associated with Science Venture team can be seen online at or or -- check them out!

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