
6 May 2012

Hockey Science

Today's post is just for kids.
It's the playoffs for Lord Stanley's cup and even though my hockey team was knocked out in the first round, it doesn't mean I've given up on the game.

My writing partner, Leslie Johnstone and I have a new book on Hockey Science, soon to be published by Scholastic Canada.  The book has 25 really cool experiments but some activities which we thought we terrific were cut by the editor.  We aren't complaining, but this was one activity which we really liked. So- rather than lose an experiment, we thought we would share it with you. 

The image above is the cover for the book. Great job by a fabulous illustrator.

Tasty Ratios
You may not have thought about this, but hockey involves a great deal of math. Anytime you quote a player’s statistics or recite win/loss percentages you are using math. Here’s a tasty way to think about advantages when a team is short a player.

NOTE: If you have a food allergy check with a parent before using any of the ingredients

You Will Need

4 pieces of round pita bread or small round tortillas
Peanut butter or almond butter (do not use if you have nut allergies)
Butter knife

What To Do

1 Spread peanut butter or almond butter over the pita or tortilla and drizzle a bit of honey over it.
2.  Use a knife to divide two of the pitas into 3 equal sections. Cut the pita and set aside 4 of the 6 sections.
3.  Use a knife to divide the other two pitas into 4 equal sections. Cut the pita and set aside 5  of the 8 sections. Which gave you the greatest servings of pita- the one cut into thirds or the one cut into fourths?
4.  Eat the pita hockey snacks.

What Happened?

You have two pies. Someone offers you 4/3 of the pies or 5/4 of the pies. Which offer would you choose to receive the greatest serving of the pies? You discovered that 4/3 is greater than 5/4. But what does that mean for hockey? Consider power plays: If a team is playing 4 against 3, it means they have a greater advantage than if they were playing 5 against 4.

Did You Know?

You also created a great science snack. The pita provided a carbohydrate and the peanut butter gave you a protein. 

 Your body needs carbohydrates and proteins after a strenuous workout. In fact, nutritionists recommend that you have some kind of carbohydrate such as fruit, or juice shortly after exercising. This gives you more energy and helps to restore your levels of glycogen, the chemical your body makes to store carbohydrates for later use. Proteins from foods such as nuts, meat or milk give your muscles the amino acids they need to not only recover from the workout but also to rebuild.  It is recommended that you consume both carbohydrates and protein within 30 minutes of a strenuous workout. If you wait longer than that period of time your body will take in or absorb less glycogen.

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