
20 Oct 2018

School of Robots!

posted by Paula Johanson
Have you wanted to learn how to use robots for school or work? Emily Kazanowski is a student at University of British Columbia in their School of Architecture. This fall, she's taking a Robotics workshop. There's she's learning how to use a Kuka robot. This robot is a sort of mechanical arm that moves on more than one axis of motion -- 8 in all! This kind of arm has more than one elbow, and a wrist that moves in more ways than a human wrist.

Image may contain: Emily Kazanowski, smiling, standing

In this photo, Emily shows the tablet she is using to control movements of the Kuka Robotics arm. She was in the Centre for Advanced Wood Processing at the University.
"Day 3 of the Robotics Workshop at UBC! I got to operate an 8 axis capable robot. So happy!" she wrote when sharing her pictures on Facebook.
There's a video of the robotic arm in use carving a sheet of wood on her Facebook page at this link.

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