
27 Jul 2020

Countdown to launch of new Mars mission!

On Thursday July 30, NASA will be launching their newest probe with a mission on Mars! There are a terrific assortment of social media activities during the countdown, and lots of free materials to find online about this probe named Perseverance. The Perseverance mission is bringing along a tiny helicopter named Integrity, which will be the first helicopter to fly on Mars, when they get there in February 2021.

Mars probe

Here's a link to the NASA website with plenty of information. You can sign up to receive a countdown to Thursday's launch, or learn about the probe's mission, or watch the launch in real time and many videos at your leisure. Whether you want to learn a lot or just have a good time, this is a science website with lots of content.
Fans of science have an amazing assortment of learning materials and fun stuff available here. If you're more interested in comets or stars than you are in Mars, keep looking through NASA's website at where you can find links to pictures, videos, articles, and all sorts of information.
If you're on Twitter, check out the hashtag #CountdownToMars for updates all week.

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