Birds Make Us Happy… by Nina Munteanu
photo by Nina Munteanu
I go out on my daily walk in the nearby meadow, woodland and marsh, I
find myself listening to the birds. Their songs and calls weave a
symphonic tapestry that stitches me into the very fabric of the
place. Through them I find my way “home.” The iconic trill of the
red-winged blackbird in the wetland calls me back to my masters
studies at university when I did my field work in the marshes and
fields near Lennoxville, Quebec. At my back door, the spring serenade
of the robin —cheerily, cheer up,
cheer up, cheerily, cheer up—calls me
back to the comfort of childhood. There’s the playful
giggle of the chickadee, the sweet
whistles of the yellow warbler. And then there is the echoing fluting
notes of the hermit thrush; that outpouring of heaven’s light from
such a tiny creature sends my own heart soaring and fills me with
A robin fledgling (All bird photos by Merridy Cox)
these make me joyful. All are heaven’s gift.
I think of Robert Browning’s enduring quote: God’s
in His heaven; all’s right with the world.
recent study has correlated our happiness levels to bird diversity:
the higher the number of birds, the greater our joy. This is no
surprise to me.
by Nina Munteanu
study by scientists at the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity
Research was published recently in Ecological Economics, reports
Carly Nairn of Eco
Watch. “The
scientists concluded that conservation is just as important for human
well-being as financial security,” writes Nairn. The study surveyed
more than 26,000 adults from twenty-six European countries. From the
study, the authors calculated that being
around fourteen additional bird species provided as much satisfaction
as earning an additional $150 a month. “A
high biological diversity in our immediate vicinity is as important
for life satisfaction as our income,” reports Senckenberg
Biodiversität und Klima Forschungszentrum.
“Biological diversity evokes happiness: more bird species in their
vicinity increase life satisfaction of Europeans as much as higher
A bluejay
According to these
and other researchers, birds are the best indicators of biological
diversity and more bird species live in natural ecosystems such as
green spaces, forested areas and bodies of water. Birds
“are among the most visible elements of the animate nature –
particularly in urban areas,” reports Senckenberg. “Their song
can often be heard even if the bird itself is not visible, and most
birds are popular and people like to watch them.”
happiest Europeans are those who can experience numerous different
bird species in their daily life, or who live in near-natural
surroundings that are home to many species," argued lead author
Joel Methorst, a doctoral researcher at the Senckenberg Biodiversity
and Climate Research Center, the iDiv and the Goethe University in
A mourning dove
research findings also clearly demonstrate that bird diversity is
predicated on a healthy natural ecosystem; these two are bound to
each other.
of fields, deforestation, wetland draining, climate change and other
land use clearing and treatments have caused great habitat loss. In
addition, neonicotinoid pesticides make
it harder for birds to put on weight needed for migration,
delaying their travel. Our common birds make up a large part of the
diversity of birds we encounter. For me just north of Toronto, this
means the robin, the cardinal, sparrow, wren, blackbird, starling,
junco, blue jay, chickadee, mourning dove, warbler, goldfinch, vireo,
crow, osprey, hawk, and so on.
A grackle |
same common bird species are vital to our ecosystems. They control
pests, pollinate flowers, spread seeds and help regenerate forests.
When these birds disappear, their former habitats lose their
functionality. “Declines in your common sparrow or other little
brown bird may not receive the same attention as historic losses of
bald eagles or sandhill cranes, but they are going to have much more
of an impact,” said Hillary Young, a conservation biologist at the
University of California. Kevin Gaston, a conservation biologist
at the University of Exeter, lamented that: “This is the loss of
A chickadee
short story “Out
of The Silence,”
which appeared in the Spring 2020 issue of subTerrain
Literary Magazine (Issue
tells the story of Katherine, a blind elder whose digital app failed
to warn the world of the sudden global loss of birds with disastrous
ecological consequences.
irony was that, once the birds vanished, the pests the fungus was
originally targeted recovered with a vengeance. Some birds eat as
many as 500 insects a day in the summer. Without insect-eating birds
like bluebirds, wrens and chickadees to eat them, the pests exploded
in numbers, causing ecosystems to collapse worldwide. 2041, which
experienced an extremely warm summer, brought in swarms of
grasshoppers to Asia and Europe, destroying whole harvests like a
plague. I was reminded of Mao Tse Tung’s 1960 edict to kill all
sparrows who were eating the seeds in the fields; instead, they
caused a horrific plague of locusts that caused famine. With the
disappearance of a single bird—the House Swift—agricultural pests
in China quadrupled in 2041. Without the Evening Grosbeak, spruce
budworm destroyed huge sections of the western forests of North
America in the forties. Without the oystercatcher there to keep it in
check, the Salt Marsh periwinkle destroyed a majority of the salt
marshes of south-eastern USA by the late forties.
the pests did the most damage on the giant monocrops meant to benefit
the most from the killer fungus. The ag-giants responded by dousing
their wheat, maize, rice and cotton fields with even more
pesticides—to which many pests had already become resistant.
Instead of addressing the pests, they wiped out pollinating insects
like bees and butterflies. With no pollinators, even GMO crops—like
soybeans, corn, potatoes and sugar beets—failed and collapsed
within a few years. China resorted to hand-pollinating their
orchards. The rest of the world followed their desperate action. The
price of chocolate skyrocketed when arthropods crashed the cacao
agroforestry in Indonesia and the Ivory Coast. Food
prices soared everywhere; soon the Foodland grocery store near where
I lived grew empty. I quit drinking coffee; its price had risen to
$60 a pound after the infestations of coffee plantations in
Indonesia, India and Vietnam, followed by Brazil and Mexico in 2042.
By the late 40s, the
disappearance of insectivorous and pollinating birds meant no more
apples, nuts, olives, or wine—among a host of staple foods.”
A nuthatch
short, a healthy diverse bird population means a healthy habitat, a
healthy ecosystem AND a healthy human mind. "Nature
conservation therefore not only ensures our material basis of life,
but it also constitutes an investment in the well-being of us all,"
says Methorst.
J. et al. (2020): The importance of species diversity for human
well-being in Europe. Ecological
Nina. 2020. “Out of the Silence.” subTerrain Literary Magazine,
Issue 85. Vancouver, BC
Carly. 2021. Eco-Watch.
Biodiversität und Klima Forschungszentrum. 2020. Online:
You can learn more about Nina Munteanu and her book Water Is... on the website There's more to see in the podcast "The Meaning of Writing and Water" at this link: