lovers, strap on your boots! You’ll need them for Science Literacy Week coming your way September 19-25, all across the country. This wonderful
celebration of all things science will feature events for everyone, adults and
kids alike, in venues ranging from libraries and schools to museum and local
Jesse Hildebrand, founder of Science Literacy Week |
Literacy Week is the brainchild of Jesse Hildebrand, a self-confessed science
geek and energy whirlwind. I had the opportunity to interview him earlier this
summer, to find out both where he gets his superhuman enerjuice and about the
marvelousness that is Science Literacy Week. Here is what I found out:
1. Give us your brief potted bio. Who the heck are you and
why do you love science so much?
I'm a lifelong tremendous nerd, born and raised in the
same lovely house in Etobicoke. I grew up with Steve Irwin posters on my
wall and Carl Sagan books on my shelf. If I was interested in anything,
my parents dutifully marched me to a library to get books on it. Thus, my
initial love of science was fostered and nourished immensely.
I went on to get an Evolutionary Biology Degree from U of T
and a Science and Society Diploma from The Open University.
I also truly love baseball, nature, books, pina coladas and
taking walks in the rain. The dunes of the cape also sound awfully
2. What were some of the science books you read as a kid that
sparked your imagination?

3. What is Science Literacy Week? Why/how did you found

4. Tell Sci/Why readers about how the program has expanded since you
began it in 2014.
Once the U of T libraries got on board, I convinced the
Toronto Public, Mississauga Public and York University libraries to join in,
making it a total of four participating institutions. I convinced a few
of my former professors to give talks and also arranged a smattering of other
It went pretty well in Toronto! I thought that it
could be expanded to include the whole country, so in 2015, I emailed everybody - libraries, museums, science
organizations - some 4,500 emails in all in an attempt to make Science Literacy
Week bigger.
There was a tremendous response! I was remarkably lucky to receive
ten yesses for every no. All told, Science Literacy Week 2015 came to include
300 events in 40 cities coast-to-coast.
This year, with 160+ partners and major support from Indigo
and NSERC (The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of
Canada), Science Literacy Week 2016 looks to be even bigger. NSERC has now hired
me run the week, which means that since I no longer have to do this as a volunteer,
I can commit full time to bringing it to life. As of August 8st, there
are 142 events already scheduled to run in 8 provinces!
5. Can you highlight some of the most successful/innovative/fun
programs that ran in previous years, and some that are coming up this year?
St. John's, NF, was one of the 2015 Science Literacy Week’s hotspots.
A great group of participants including
Memorial University, the public libraries, the Johnson Geo Centre and the Let'sTalk Science folks worked together to present 27 events in 7 days. These included
taking over the main mall in the city for a 5 hour science demo, an impressive
event covered by the local radio station. That was Science Literacy Week
at its best!
Across Canada, there was also "the Great Egg Drop"
where kids had to make a container to drop an egg in from 25 ft. without it
breaking; science demos in libraries where you could play with Non-Newtonian
fluids; dozens of Astronomy Nights and more.
For this year, some early confirmed highlights include:
Dissect a Beaver (Vancouver)
Bird-banding hike in Oak Hammock Marsh (Manitoba)
Science with Fire and Alcohol (Red Deer)
A showcase of iconic science books you can touch
and flip the pages of at Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library (Toronto).
6. And let’s repeat for those who have forgotten: when is
Science Literacy Week running this year?
19-25, 2016.
For the current roster of confirmed events by province, go to
7. How can people – librarians, educators, institutions, ordinary
folk who want to HOST a program - get involved?
Anyone who wants to host a program or be put in touch with
other local groups who might be keen to partner can contact me directly
8. And for those who would like to attend
or participate in a program, where can they find the information?
For the most up to date listings of confirmed events by province, go to
You can learn about events near you on twitter
@scilitweek, on Facebook at
You can participate by spreading the word and sharing your
love of science with the hashtag #scilit16
Thank you! See you in September!
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