9 Aug 2024

STEM Club for girls!

 We at Sci/Why have heard from a STEM Club for girl with great news!

Their organizer Skye sent a note to one of our wranglers, Adrienne, telling us the following:
I work with a STEM Club for girls and we just wanted to reach out to let you know that your Sci/Why website was such a help to us! The girls came across it while they were doing research for a project, and the resources you've put together led us to tons of information... we thought you'd appreciate hearing how much you helped us :)!

I was also very impressed with the other resources the girls found in their research! They wanted to share one with you, as a way of saying thanks! Here's a guide to scholarships they picked out: www.madisontrust.com/client-resources/articles/scholarships-for-women-in-stem/

We had the idea that we could include this with our thank-you note to return the favor! They thought it would be a good link for you to add to your science links page sci-why.blogspot.com/p/science-links.html . Hopefully it's helpful !

If you're able to add it we have our next STEM Night next Wednesday, and they would be so proud to see their suggestion :)

~Skye Olley

Thanks for your encouraging words and the helpful link. We will share it with our list. 💗
We are thrilled to hear about the enthusiasm and resourcefulness of everyone in your STEM Club! It's a great thing to share a passion for curiosity.
All the best to Skye and the STEM Club for girls. Here's hoping to hear from many more STEM Clubs for kids and teens and more!


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